Barney Calhoun (Half Life)

Viewed 32K times

Now... about that beer I owed ya! - Barney Calhoun

Description: Barney Calhoun is one of the main characters of the Half-Life series. He was a security guard at Black Mesa before becoming a key Resistance leader. - Half-Life Wiki

Designer: Chippy

Photo: Chippy

Level: This papercraft is HARD. What makes it hard is the fingers and figuring out how everything works. Before trying to make it I would suggest looking at these designs that use similar things to work.

Credits for design: Batman4014, Rooterbuster, and Jojesper.

Skin: The skin used was a mixture of and

I would like to know how you feel about the fingers. Do you like them or dislike them? Why? That will help me on future designs that I make that are similar to this one.



How to Print?

1. Click on the papercraft design image.

2. Make sure it has not been resized by your browser (you might need to click the image again).

3. Print using your browser's Print function.

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